Stupid me! I thought that once Carter and I escaped the land of Dearth things would go back to normal. I should have known better. It seems that once the adversary becomes aware of you, he never stops trying to destroy your life.
It hasn’t been that long since Carter and I returned home after traveling beyond Dead Forest, and already the adversary has made an attempt on my life. I know this sounds unbelievable, but it happened to me, and it will sound insane to everyone who reads this. This morning when I was in my bathroom getting ready for school, I saw my appearance change in the mirror. I have red hair, green eyes, and my complexion is very light, but I saw my hair became black, my eyes turn blue, and my skin darken slightly. When the background in the mirror changed from my bathroom to a forest, I realized that I wasn’t looking at my reflection; rather I was looking at another girl in another place. While I was seeing her in my bathroom mirror, she was seeing me and my bathroom in a pond reflection. Her name was Hash, and she seemed as surprised to see me as I was to see her, but it was all an act. She lied to me telling me a sob story about how her family had mysteriously disappeared. I felt sorry for her and wanted to help, so I found a way to enter her world. When I got there, I started to get specious. Things she said did not add up. I learned from traveling in Dearth that things and people are not always what they seem.
It hasn’t been that long since Carter and I returned home after traveling beyond Dead Forest, and already the adversary has made an attempt on my life. I know this sounds unbelievable, but it happened to me, and it will sound insane to everyone who reads this. This morning when I was in my bathroom getting ready for school, I saw my appearance change in the mirror. I have red hair, green eyes, and my complexion is very light, but I saw my hair became black, my eyes turn blue, and my skin darken slightly. When the background in the mirror changed from my bathroom to a forest, I realized that I wasn’t looking at my reflection; rather I was looking at another girl in another place. While I was seeing her in my bathroom mirror, she was seeing me and my bathroom in a pond reflection. Her name was Hash, and she seemed as surprised to see me as I was to see her, but it was all an act. She lied to me telling me a sob story about how her family had mysteriously disappeared. I felt sorry for her and wanted to help, so I found a way to enter her world. When I got there, I started to get specious. Things she said did not add up. I learned from traveling in Dearth that things and people are not always what they seem.
When I found out that Hash lied about her family disappearing, I knew something was rotten. Oh I was supposed to believe that it was all some sort of ploy so that Hash could have someone to hang with. When Hash introduced me to her parents and her brother and they seemed overly happy to meet me, I knew I was in trouble. They strongly insisted that I stay for dinner. I won’t tell you what they had planned for me because it is so awful I will probably have nightmares about it. If you want to know the whole story, Pastor Steve wrote it all down, and you can read it at Just click on the link, scroll down to the story, and see what really happened. For now, let’s just say that I almost ended up very dead.
It is sad but true that even in our world that we have to be cautious. My mom always says that if it looks too good to be true it probably is. I think we need to be careful, because not everyone who says they are your friend, not everyone who says they are looking out for your best interests, and not everything that looks good, is. Do you think I am being too negative? I would like to hear what you think.
I wanted to thank Ms. Johnson for a great point she made when she said, “not forgiving harms the one keeping it more than the one who is not forgiven.” That is so true because sometimes people who have wronged us don’t even care what they have done, but the person wronged carries the hurt for years sometimes. Night everyone.
It is sad but true that even in our world that we have to be cautious. My mom always says that if it looks too good to be true it probably is. I think we need to be careful, because not everyone who says they are your friend, not everyone who says they are looking out for your best interests, and not everything that looks good, is. Do you think I am being too negative? I would like to hear what you think.
I wanted to thank Ms. Johnson for a great point she made when she said, “not forgiving harms the one keeping it more than the one who is not forgiven.” That is so true because sometimes people who have wronged us don’t even care what they have done, but the person wronged carries the hurt for years sometimes. Night everyone.