Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Kat's Giant Problem

        I have to say this right now. When Carter and I were in Dearth (the dark land that exists beyond Dead Forest) we did something terrible! In my last post I confessed to stealing a toy ring that belonged to a brokenhearted, little girl. I made things right by admitting my mistake and returning the ring. Pastor Steve (Sorry for calling you Mr. Groll in my first post.) left a comment saying that there are some things that can never be made right again. That reminded me of what Carter and I did to Taloff.
        Basically, this is what happened. When we were being tested in the Forge of Providence (the caverns we had to travel through), we were deceived by this awful little person named Lastooch. He told us a pack of lies about how an evil giant stole his gold and took over his goldmine. He wanted us to help him steal his gold back from the giant by creating a diversion. We did it; it worked, and it was a big mistake.
        Even though he deceived us, we can’t blame Lastooch. Neither Carter nor I trusted him from the beginning. So why did we do it? I think it was for the same reason I stole the ring. We were afraid. We wanted out of the caves. We were told that many people get trapped in the Forge of Providence and never get out. Lastooch said that he would show us a way out if we helped him. When we saw Taloff, the giant, we let our prejudice against someone that different; further convince us that it was okay to help Lastooch.
        When Lastooch took all the gold and left us alone to deal with the giant, we confessed to him what we had done. We found Taloff to be a kindhearted soul who was just doing what he was told to do in order to escape the caves. His task was to mine twenty bags of gold as payment to leave the Forge. It took him four years to mine the gold, and the day we helped Lastooch rob Taloff was the same day that Taloff finished digging the last ounce of gold in the mine which came to exactly the twenty bags he needed to buy his freedom. So you see, the mine never belonged to Lastooch. Since we failed our final test of three by helping rob an innocent of his way to freedom, Carter and I were trapped along with the giant. At least that’s the way it could have ended except for one important thing. Taloff freely forgave us and invited us to stay with him. And when he forgave us, Lastooch appeared and explained that Taloff’s real test was to see if he could forgive someone who had done him a great wrong. Because he forgave us, he not only set us free, but he set himself free as well.
        That is a lot to think about isn’t it? Some wrongs can only be set aside through the forgiveness of the person wronged. And when I think of what happened in Dearth, the most important thing I learned about forgiveness is that when the person wronged forgives, he sets himself free.
        Wouldn’t you know it? The phone is ringing. It’s probably Carter needing help with his math. I better go, but maybe you could tell me your thoughts about what I shared with you. Have a good night.


  1. That was a great insight you had Kat, about how not only can forgiveness free the guilty, but more importantly it frees the person wronged. When a person experiences pain and anger from being badly hurt, that person can be so filled with hatred that forgiveness seems impossible. But what other solution is there? Revenge doesn’t make life better; it only adds to the pain. Forgiveness is a decision to let the other person off the hook and by so doing the person wronged lays down the load of pain, resentment, anger, and hurt that can ruin his life.

  2. Great insight Kat. Keeping unforgiveness harms the one keeping it more the one who is not forgiven. Thank you for sharing your lessons learned.
